Business Owners:

Here's Your Secret Weapon

In a world dominated by crazy and sinister people, the best allies we have are each other.

My plan: make as many people as possible as successful as possible, so we can flourish and enjoy freedom no matter what the crazies do.

I'm Tom Woods, and the guy on the left in the picture is my business partner, Paul Counts.

Want to take your business to the next level? We'll get you there.

I am very openly and brazenly telling you that I have a group whose purpose is to help everybody in it make more money and be more successful, and we make absolutely no apologies for that.

Keep reading....


Instead of having to figure everything out yourself and solve every problem on your own, what if you could instead get specific answers about your particular situation from a group of smart, ambitious, successful people?

How many weeks, months, or more likely years of dead ends and frustration will that save you?

Hence the Junior Mastermind was born — virtual only, affordable, and just what the entrepreneur or business owner needs.

We meet online to get valuable training and to help each other grow our businesses. 

We do hot seats, where a member describes his situation and we all give advice and strategies designed especially for that member, so he can avoid wasting time making mistakes or floundering around aimlessly, and instead grow his business consistently.

Imagine what that can do for you.

We have a private messaging group where you can get immediate answers to your pressing questions — so instead of staying stuck and frustrated you can get put back on a path to success.

But we're not just here for generic "help." We'll guide you through some of your specific needs

1. Clarity and Direction

Early-stage entrepreneurs struggle with defining their business idea, identifying their target market, and developing a clear value proposition. We'll make all of that a breeze.

2. Building a Solid Business Foundation

Often lack the foundational knowledge required to set up and run a business, including legal structure, and financial management. We'll make that even more of a breeze.

3. Marketing and Customer Acquisition

Entrepreneurs often struggle to attract and retain customers, sometimes due to a lack of marketing knowledge or ineffective strategies. This is where we really shine.

4. Overcoming Fear and Building Confidence

Fear of failure, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome can be paralyzing. We'll help you overcome them.

5. Networking and Finding Mentorship

Entrepreneurs and business owners often feel isolated and lack access to a network of peers or mentors who can provide guidance and support. And that's what we're here for.

In other words, we are your secret weapon.

We’re on the verge of starting our next six-month term, but we have limited seats (anything that involves hands-on attention and my personal time has to be limited).

I'm inviting you to grab yours right now, and start that new chapter.

But first: you may know me, but you may not know Paul Counts.

Paul directs the marketing for Ron Paul's homeschool program (at my recommendation) and also does the marketing for David Stockman, formerly of the Reagan Administration.

He has over 25 years of experience as a business owner and entrepreneur, and he's worked with clients from a wide variety of industries. His marketing curriculum is taught in 140 high schools.

Paul's training has been used by hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs around the globe.

Not to mention: he's the seventh great-grandson of Patrick Henry.

And you will have direct access to his brain.

Now here's what our members are saying about Paul and about our mastermind:

"Paul Counts is the best guide to contemporary marketing practice I have ever come across."

- Hunter Hastings

"A firehose of amazingly useful information."

- Matthew Sercely

"He genuinely cares about everyone's business and wants us to succeed."

- Jon Corbett

"Paul gives an incredible amount of technical insight and actionable advice, and he makes it accessible for the marketing neophyte....

 "This mastermind has enabled me to clarify so many things about my business, so that I can communicate effectively. Tom, Paul, and the other members are knowledgeable, helpful and generous. I recommend it to anyone who is trying to move their business forward faster."

- Sarah Thompson

No more platitudes about waking up early in the morning and eating an apple.

Let's get you specific guidance for your particular situation.

(Bonus: Everyone in the group is a normal person.)

Your membership in the Tom Woods Junior Mastermind includes:

  • Six months of group coaching
  • Website reviews and critiques
  • Personal responses from Tom and Paul
  • Business and marketing blueprints and checklists
  • Swipe files and templates
  • Access to private Signal group for peer-to-peer support -- truly invaluable

Join me in my thriving group of ambitious action-takers. This is a community that sees the world the way you do, and wants to see you succeed, and quickly.

Click the button below to grab one of the remaining seats,

and let's fast-track you to the next level!

Only $3,000 for six months: